Friday, 27 November 2015

Daydream Believer

Oh my, I am so tired.
But I still have something for you lot.
Daydream Believer.
Yes, it's me playing but don't fret, I'm not singing.
But I can only play both hands to the first verse, so enjoy that:

Thursday, 26 November 2015


Ah, one of my favourite pairings.
Davy and Mike.
I thought I'd post a painting that I'm quite proud of.
Here's the two cowboys, Texas and Manchester
Kinda cute right?
Be prepared, soon I'm going to post a story that I wrote that sounds like I wrote it while I was high, or Peter is in the story.
But don't worry, we're both clean (at least Peter is in the story)

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Fanfic challenge

So, I did a challenge where you listen to ten songs and you have to write a story from the start of one song to the end. You don't have anymore time and you have to think of a story and write it while the song is playing.
It's really fun but so difficult, especially as I decided to do it to Monkees songs. They're over before you know it!
But I really enjoyed it and thought, I want to carry on some stories.
So I want your opinion.
Here's the link to them all. Let me know which you'd like to see extended.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Too Many Girls!

So, yeah
I watched this episode yesterday, one of my favourites and noticed this bit again.
It's so cute.
I mean look at the way Micky and Mike were trying to cheer up Davy. Mike so looks like the 'dad' figure in it all.

Apart from that, I have nothing else to say today.
Just stare at this really cute moment and forget that I said that.

Isn't it just adorable!!!!

Sunday, 22 November 2015

The Girl that I knew Somewhere

This has to be one of my favourite Monkees songs, The Girl that I Knew Somewhere. The start is epic, the lyrics are clever and I adore the instrumental bit with the harpsichord. I was so jealous of that bit, in fact, because I really wanted to learn how to play it but have you ever tried to learn a song that is played predominantly on guitar on piano by searching it on google. It doesn't work.
And then my dad worked part of it out.
So I was determined to work it all out by myself. I have not gotten so far but, because I'm lazy right now, I thought I might post what the song sounds like next to what I worked out.
You have no idea how proud I am of this, by the way!
And if anyone actually knows how to play this, please tell me!
I love this song.